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Changes to the default site typography coming soon oder: Aufgezwungene Änderungen am Aussehen von Wikinews
This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:
- April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
- April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live
This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.
For more information:
- Summary of changes and FAQ
- Discussion page for feedback or questions
- Post on
-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team
- Ich bitte um Beteiligung unter Wikinews:Meinungsbild/Typographie-Änderung --Matthiasb (Diskussion) 10:04, 4. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
WICHTIG: Review der Administratorenaktivität
Hallo. Vor kurzem wurde durch einen globalen Konsens der Community eine neue Vorgehensweise im Hinblick auf den Entzug der erweiterten Rechte (Administrator, Bürokrat etc.) beschlossen (diese Community erhielt einen Hinweis auf die laufende Diskussion). Auf der Grundlage der neuen Regeln werden die Stewards die Aktivitäten der Administratoren in kleineren Wikis einem Review unterziehen. So weit uns bekannt ist, gibt es in diesem Wiki keinen formalen Prozess für den Entzug der erweiterten Rechte bei inaktiven Accounts. Dies bedeutet, dass die Stewards dies auf der Basis des neuen Reviews der Administratorenaktivität erledigen werden.
Wir haben festgestellt, dass die folgenden Benutzer nach den festgelegten Kriterien (keine Bearbeitungen und keine Log-Einträge für mehr als zwei Jahre) als inaktiv einzustufen sind:
- Akl (Administrator)
- Elian (Administrator)
- Franz (Administrator)
- Holger I. (Administrator)
- Interactive (Administrator)
- Mathias Schindler (Bürokrat, Administrator)
- Montegoblue (Administrator)
- Zeitlupe (Administrator)
Wir werden diesen Benutzern in der nächsten Zeit eine Nachricht zukommen lassen, in der wir sie dazu auffordern, eine öffentliche Diskussion zu eröffnen, wenn sie einige oder alle ihrer Rechte behalten möchten. Erfolgt darauf keine Antwort, werden die erweiterten Rechte von den Stewards entzogen.
Für jedes Wikimedia-Wiki besteht davon abgesehen die Möglichkeit, ein eigenes Review-Verfahren einzurichten, das das globale Verfahren auf lokaler Ebene ersetzt. Ebenso ist es möglich, völlig andere Regeln in Bezug auf inaktive Benutzer mit erweiterten Rechten festzulegen. Möglicherweise existieren bereits diesbezügliche Regeln, die wir übersehen haben. Bitte benachrichtigt in jedem Fall die Stewards auf Meta, wenn wir auf eurem Wiki nicht den globalen Review-Prozess anwenden sollen. Danke, Rschen7754 00:28, 5. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Die aktuellsten technischen Neuheiten von der Wikimedia-Technik-Community. Bitte informiere auch andere Benutzer über diese Änderungen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Kürzliche Software-Änderungen
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf21) was scheduled to be deployed to test wikis and on April 3, however it was temporarily put on hold due to localization issues. (calendar).
- Typography Refresh was enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on April 1, and on all Wikipedias on April 3. You'll only see it if you use the Vector skin.
- CirrusSearch was enabled as the primary search method on over 400 non-Wikipedia wikis on April 2. [1]
Geplante Softwareänderungen
- A new special page (Special:TrackingCategories) will soon list all the tracking categories on a wiki. [2] [3]
- All Wikiquote projects will start using language links from Wikidata on April 8. [4]
- The Hovercards feature will soon work with right-to-left languages. [5] [6]
- You will soon be able to download files directly from MediaViewer, the new multimedia tool. [7]
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on on April 10. Comments are welcome.
- You can help check that users can read CAPTCHAs in your language. [8]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:00, 7. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
We are looking for contributors to help write new issues every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf22) was added to test wikis and on April 10. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and all Wikipedias on April 17 (calendar).
- MediaViewer was enabled for all users on on April 10. It will be enabled for all users on the Catalan (ca), Hungarian (hu) and Korean (ko) Wikipedias and English Wikivoyage on April 17. Comments are welcome. [9] [10] [11]
- Font issues caused by Typography refresh for Windows users were fixed on April 7. [12] [13]
VisualEditor news
- You will now see only three options when you try to add a template parameter in VisualEditor; you will see other options after a click. [14]
- The size changing controls in VisualEditor media editing dialog were simplified further.
- The wikitext editor tab will now fold into a drop-down menu in the Vector skin if there is not enough space on your screen. [15] [16]
Future software changes
- The font used for body text on Wikimedia wikis will change to your system default sans-serif font. This temporary change will be enabled on all non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and on all Wikipedias on April 17. [17] [18]
- Files from Commons seen on another wiki will soon have a tab saying "View on Wikimedia Commons". The create tab will change to "Add local description" (see screenshot). [19]
- You will soon be able to hide Notification and Hovercards pop-ups by pressing the Esc key. [20] [21] [22] [23]
- Shorter lists of language links will soon work in right-to-left languages. Languages that you have used before will be shown in the list. [24]
- You will soon be able to send messages with the MassMessage tool to all pages in a given category. [25] [26]
- The date format user preference will soon be moved to the appearance tab. [27] [28]
- An IRC discussion with the Wikimedia Foundation Multimedia team will take place on April 16 at 18:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [29]
- Wikimedia Foundation servers were updated after a security bug called Heartbleed was discovered last week. You should change your password as an extra precaution. [30]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:17, 14. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Restarting discussion regarding
Following the board's rejecting AffComm's recommendation to recognise The Wikinewsie Group, and some confusing communication regarding incorporation, I'm trying to re-open discussion on the matter. If it is more-convenient to copy and translate my post on English Wikinews to enable local discussion, please do.
Restarting the process needs broader support than previously received. That means whatever we end up with has to meet the needs of more contributors and readers. --Brian McNeil/talk 16:11, 16. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- You can now subscribe to an Atom or RSS feed to read Tech News in your news aggregator. The newsletter will now also show on the English Planet Wikimedia every Monday. [31]
- We are looking for contributors to help write a new issue every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf1) was added to test wikis and on April 17. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 22, and all Wikipedias on April 24 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled as a beta feature on 27 new wikis on April 18. [32] [33]
- Problems with various fonts in SVG files were fixed last week. Files that use DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Serif Condensed, DejaVu Sans Light, Kochi Gothic and Kochi Mincho fonts now show correctly. [34] [35] [36] [37]
- The page view statistics site developed by Henrik ( should now work faster. [38]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for March 2014. [39]
VisualEditor news
- If you try to add a category which redirects to another category, VisualEditor will now suggest adding the target category directly. [40] [41]
- VisualEditor tabs will no longer appear on Education Program pages. [42] [43]
- You can now use VisualEditor on Meta-Wiki and the French Wikinews by enabling it in your preferences. [44] [45] [46]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the Czech (cs), Estonian (et), Finnish (fi), Hebrew (he), Polish (pl), Romanian (ro), Slovak (sk), Thai (th) and Vietnamese (vi) Wikipedias on April 24. Feedback is welcome. [47]
- Edits by anonymous users will now be marked with a new CSS class (
). This way, you can easily make those edits use a different color, font or background. [48] [49] - The user preference to remember login will soon be removed from all wikis. The edit review preferences will be moved to the recent changes tab, and the preference for the WikiLove tool will be moved to the editing tab. [50] [51] [52] [53]
- You will soon be able to give parameters to preloaded templates. [54] [55]
- You will soon be able to use CodeEditor in read-only mode on pages that you cannot edit. [56] [57]
- It is now proposed to replace Bugzilla, Gerrit and other tools by a single tool called Phabricator. You can test Phabricator and add your opinion on [58]
- An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on April 22 at 03:30 AM UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [59]
- For about 40 minutes on April 17, there were problems with page loading due to high server load.
- There is a problem with the rendering of formulas with MathJax. If you enabled MathJax in your preferences, you might need to turn it off and on again. [60]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:34, 21. Apr. 2014 (CEST)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf2) was added to test wikis and on April 24. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 29, and all Wikipedias on May 1 (calendar).
- You can now use interwiki prefix
to link to pages on Wikimedia Commons. [61]
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to set content language and direction with VisualEditor. [62]
- VisualEditor now works on all Wikipedias after broken
pages (and similar) were fixed last week. [63] - VisualEditor dialogs now use an animation of moving lines rather than animated GIF images.
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as a beta feature on 41 new wikis, including Meta-Wiki and the Swedish (sv), Russian (ru), Polish (pl), Japanese (ja) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias next week. This change means that CirrusSearch will now be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis.
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the French (fr) and Dutch (nl) Wikipedias on May 1. Feedback is welcome. [64]
- The mobile version of Wikimedia wikis will soon include filters to limit the number of uploaded files that are copyright violations. [65]
- CodeEditor will soon have a status bar about errors and warnings. [66] [67]
- You can test a new version of Winter, a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. Comments are welcome. [68]
- For about 30 minutes on April 21, there were problems with image scaling due to a high server load. [69] [70]
- On April 22, it was not possible to use the Collection extension for about 90 minutes due to a server move. [71] [72]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:22, 28. Apr. 2014 (CEST)